Ty Ana Williams, has often helped out a many charity events throughout the years, fundraising, community help, event volunteer ect. for adults and youth programs; sometimes she's given recognition and sometimes not. For the past two years she has help with the Youth Kettle Challenge for the Salvation Army Organization, its a Christmas time event. She has received an appreciation for her help at the Youth Holiday Award Celebration Dinner. For the last two years she has raised $2,126.00 during the Holiday Season, in between her travels, matches, schoolwork, personal time, and other obligations. That would provide over 80days of Day Camp, over 140 nights of shelter to homeless men or over 85 bags of groceries to needed families, she also gives her own money to this and other charitable organizations.
"I don't mine helping out at these events, its fun and I can help better my part of the world. Everyone should help out and maybe we can change the world for the better" stated Ty Ana Williams
" Magic, is in giving too "
I received this site information in recent email, and I will be supporting this cause and you should look into it to. Thanks for the email.
Let's Move
This came to me via an e-mail, and I wanted to share this. " I have always been at the extreme of this excellent movement"
Ty Ana's statement: We can all do a small part and help Japan Earthquake relief efforts.
Take Part
Women's Rights
Carbon Trading
Endangered Coral
Hybrid and Electric Cars
Charter Schools
Nuclear Waste
Ty Ana's statement: I received this email below, and I thought that this was something that I should share with all. THANK YOU !
Ty Ana's thought: I hope to visit Queensland one day, and I would like to see everyone help make the land back anew again.
Make a donation to Rally for Relief to help the flood disaster victims in Australia go to: http://rallyforrelief.tennis.com.au.
Hello I'm Ty Ana Williams and I wanted to share this page with the world; so if there's any information out there that is interesting and or informing, just contact me and I will try to put it up.